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Dostęp do ogłoszeń towarzyskich mogą mieć tylko osoby pełnoletnie.

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Instead Prosecutor investigation, Canadian Government officials Realne spotkania w Lacko prefer to get plot of silence money, from communists-military Ostry anal w Szczedrzyk spies from Poland and pretend, that nothing happened. So another total corruption, for very big money is organized plot of silence. I notified some of Canadian Government Offices, and all the time more, about serious crimes, prosecuted from initiative of State.

Not any help. Is not any action and not any help too!, now. Is how Canada considered request for political asylum and how Prosecutor investigation is changed to total corruption.

The Canadian Ostry anal w Szczedrzyk Government Sexi piersi pupa w Wyszatyce. Didnt make any actiion, previous Prime Minister and His Government. Mr Justin Trudeau Cause please Prosecutor investigation for below described affair, 2016 Prime Minister.

Is not normally, unfortunatally. So if would be normally, then the case should be send to suitable Office, for a Prosecutor investigation. Mr Stephen Harper For notification and causing Prosecutor investigation please, 26.Oct.2011 Prime Minister.